Treating A Knocked-Out Tooth

A dental emergency, such as chipped tooth or even a knocked-out one, needs immediate treatment. However, there are steps you can take before you walk into the office to protect your smile and prevent complications. In today’s blog, we’re talking about what Tucson, AZ, patients can do protect their smile if they knock-out a tooth.

Addressing The Issue

What should you do when you knock a tooth out? First, don’t panic! Recover the tooth quickly, touching only the visible portion, also known as the crown. Never touch the roots. Rinse the tooth under gently running water to remove any dirt or foreign debris, but take care not to remove any tissue adhering to the tooth. Try to place the tooth back into the socket, and carefully bite down to hold in place. If this isn’t possible, you can place it in a glass of salt water or milk. Then, call our office to schedule your emergency visit and bring the tooth with you. In route, you can use a cold compress against the side of the face to reduce swelling, and may take a pain reliever to ease discomfort.

Damaged Teeth

But what if you don’t knock the tooth out completely, what if you chip it? In that case, try to recover any pieces of the tooth you can and bring them to the office in a sealed container. If you cannot recover any pieces, don’t worry, we can still restore your smile! You should again consider a cold compress to reduce swelling, as well as a piece of cloth or gauze to stem any bleeding. With dental bonding, we may be able to repair your damage the same day, with natural looking results.

Don’t Ignore Damage!

If you chip a tooth, be sure to see us, even if the damage appears minor. Damaged teeth mean bacteria can move past the outer enamel and into the sensitive, porous dentin below. A cavity and infection could form, leading to pain and severe risk for your smile’s stability. If you sustain an injury to your smile but no damage is visible, be sure to see us for an exam, as dental fractures are often invisible to the naked eye, but could still expose inner tooth structure. If you have any questions about our approach to emergency dental care, then contact our team today.

Do You Need Emergency Dental Care?

If you have a cracked or chipped tooth then you may need treatment to protect your smile from serious complications. For more information, schedule a consultation with your dentist by calling Dr. Newman’s office in Tucson, AZ, today at 520-296-5439. We’re conveniently located inside the Grant Road Professional Plaza, and proudly welcome the residents of all surrounding communities.