Stopping Headaches With TMJ Treatment

Did you know a widespread jaw joint disorder known as TMJ disorder, or TMD, could lead to painful headaches and migraines? If you have regular headaches and can’t identify the cause, then you may benefit from seeing your Tucson, AZ, dentist. With TMJ treatment, we can help ease strain on the jaw joints and prevent headaches and migraines.

TMD and Migraines

TMJ disorder is caused by pressure on your jaw joints. Your temporomandibular joints control the movements needed to eat and speak. When strained, these joints could eventually make fully opening and closing the mouth a difficult process. Symptoms may include persistent head pain and migraines, as well as a popping or clicking sensation in the jaw, facial discomfort, jaw pain, and aches in the neck and shoulders. If you encounter one or more of these symptoms on a regular basis, then please let us know. You may need treatment to avoid complications, which could include discomfort and even teeth grinding!

Causes of TMJ Pain

How do our jaw joints become so strained? A number of factors could place stress on these vital joints, such as losing one or more of your natural teeth, grinding your teeth, or having untreated misalignment or bite imbalance. An injury to the face or jaw could also lead to difficulties, as would a poorly placed dental restoration. Part of your treatment process will involve finding the exact cause, so we can choose the most appropriate treatment option to restore the health and comfort of your smile.

Customized Treatment Options

For some, we may need orthodontics to correct misalignment, such as clear aligners. Others may have the balance of their smile restored with a custom-made crown. But the most common option involves the use of an oral appliance. We create them by taking detailed impressions and measurements of your smile, which will be crucial for designing and fabricating a custom appliance. The device will look and fit like a mouthguard, and is worn at night as you sleep. The device actually repositions the jaw to ease strain on the joints, and for those who also grind their teeth, the device provides a barrier between the upper and lower sets to prevent further damage. If you have any questions about identifying and treating TMJ disorder, or if you want a diagnosis to see if TMD is responsible for your headaches, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Headaches or Jaw Pain?

If you have pain localized in your head or jaw, then you may benefit from preventive treatment. For more information on preventive treatment options, schedule a consultation with your dentist by calling Dr. Newman’s office in Tucson, AZ, today at 520-296-5439. We’re conveniently located inside the Grant Road Professional Plaza, and proudly welcome the residents of all surrounding communities.