Better Homecare For Your Children

In our last blog, we discussed how treating cavities to prevent premature tooth loss is important for little smiles. In today’s blog, we would like to continue our discussion on children’s dentistry. Your Tucson, AZ, dentist will look at proper brushing and flossing habits for kids, and the importance of making time for an exam and cleaning every six months!

Do Kids Need to Brush and Floss?

Yes! For babies, you should gently clean their teeth with a bit of cloth, piece of gauze, or a small toothbrush that fits over your finger. As they reach the toddler years, upgrading to an age-appropriate toothbrush is necessary. Young children can often brush and floss themselves, but you should make sure they are doing so properly. Kids need to brush in the morning when they wake up and before bed for at least two minutes per session. Flossing is also vital, but your little ones may have an easier time with floss picks over tape, at least initially. Be sure your little ones are using a rice-sized blot of fluoride toothpaste, which helps strengthen outer enamel and reduce the risk of tooth decay.

The Dangers of Sugary Foods and Drinks

Sugary foods and drinks, and foods high in starch, leave behind particles on and between the teeth. When bacteria break down these particles, the teeth will be coated in a sticky layer of plaque, one that cannot be removed with brushing and flossing. Even if your kids care for their smiles daily, sugary foods and drinks still pose a danger for the smile. Encourage them to drink more water, and offer healthier snack choices, like cheese, low-fat yogurt, and fresh fruits and vegetables. With a few simple changes to daily routines and snack time, you can help your kids enjoy optimal oral health!

Schedule a Visit!

An initial visit should happen at age one, at age two kids should have a checkup and cleaning every six months. The checkup portion helps us monitor the smile as it grows and changes, watching for signs of trouble. We can also help instill good dental habits as well. The cleaning removes all plaque and tartar to safeguard the smile. These visits have also been shown to help decrease the risk of dental anxiety. If you have any questions about children’s dentistry, or if you would like to schedule a visit for your little one, then contact our team today to learn more.

Do You Have Questions About Children’s Dentistry?

At our Tucson, AZ, dentist’s office, we’re ready to help you little ones enjoy healthier smiles for years to come with preventive checkups and cleanings. If you have questions about children’s dental care, contact us today to schedule a visit by calling our office at 520-296-5439.