Improving Gum Health With The Biolase Laser

Did you know that we often use advanced dental lasers to help improve the health and beauty of smiles in Tucson, AZ? From combating gingivitis and gum disease to improving the appearance of your smile, we can use this unique and convenient technology to help you enjoy better oral health. In today’s blog, find out more about the Biolase system.

Gum Contouring

What happens if your mouth displays too much gum issue when you smile? Known as a gummy smile, this means your teeth could appear small or uneven, impacting the beauty of your smile. In order to correct the issue, we can employ dental lasers to perform a cosmetic treatment known as gum contouring. Simply put, we use the laser to gently and carefully remove excess tissue from the smile. We then reshape the gumline, improving the appearance of the entire smile in a single visit. We will the provide instructions to ensure the healing process is comfortable one!

Periodontal Treatment

Gum disease can lead to sore, red gums that bleed easily, as well as swelling, recession, and other uncomfortable symptoms. Without treatment, the disease could each a more advanced stage, one linked to adult tooth loss. To manage your gum disease and prevent tooth loss due to periodontitis, our team may suggest treatment. For minor cases, a deep cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, will be enough. However, for more severe cases we may implement laser dentistry to remove the infected tissue and help the smile heal! If you begin to exhibit these symptoms, please see us right away.

The Benefits of a Dental Laser

Using dental lasers offers a number of benefits over traditional solutions, such as scalpels. For example, there is usually little to no need for anesthesia. In addition, the improved precision means little risk of damage to healthy gums and surrounding tissues. The laser also instantly cauterizes the area, which means almost no bleeding, a faster healing period, and decreased risk of infection or complications. We can offer solutions to both cosmetic and general dental issues with greater comfort, accuracy, and convenience. If you have any questions about the use of laser dentistry, or if you feel you may have a gummy smile, then please contact our team today. We can perform a thorough exam to see if you benefit from laser dentistry.

Do You Have Questions About Laser Dentistry?

We can employ advanced technology to help you enjoy optimal oral health, managing gum disease and even correcting esthetic concerns. For more information on our dental laser treatments, schedule a consultation with your dentist by calling Dr. Newman’s office in Tucson, AZ, today at 520-296-5439. We’re conveniently located inside the Grant Road Professional Plaza, and proudly welcome the residents of all surrounding communities.