Think You’re Too Young to Struggle with Tooth Loss? Think Again

Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in Tucson, AZ

Think You’re Too Young to Struggle with Tooth Loss? Think AgainAdult tooth loss may seem like the kind of problem only ever faced by senior adults. But anyone can suffer from tooth loss, regardless of age. The most common cause of tooth loss is actually gum disease, a chronic condition that impacts millions of Americans. Failing restorations, deep decay, infection and trauma can also lead to tooth loss or the need for extraction, though. Regular dental care is the best way to protect your teeth and gums. That said, if you do find yourself with an incomplete smile, there are a number of prostheses that can help.

Does Your Smile Need a Prostheses?

If you do find yourself struggling with an incomplete smile, it’s important to schedule a prosthetic consultation as soon as possible. Even though a missing tooth might seem like a mostly cosmetic problem, it can actually create problems for the rest of the smile’s alignment and comfort, as remaining teeth frequently shift to try to fill created gaps. So, it’s important to restore the smile through the use of some form of a replacement tooth.

Unsupported Dentures, the kind temporarily held in place with denture adhesives, are one option, but most dentists recommend either dental bridges or dental implants for added security.

Can Your Smile Be Protected?

Remember, routine dental care is truly essential to prolonged oral health. Checkups give dentists a chance to check for any burgeoning issues before they can advance to the point of creating tooth loss. With prompt treatment, most issues including chips, cracks, and cavities can be addressed.

Ready to Complete Your Smile?

If you’ve suffered tooth loss, or required an extraction, don’t settle for an incomplete smile. Schedule a consultation with your prosthetic dentist, by calling our office today at 520-296-5439. We’re conveniently located inside the Grant Road Professional Plaza in Tucson, AZ, and proudly welcome the residents of all surrounding communities.

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