How Can I Make Sure My Kids Remain Cavity-Free?

Taking care of your kids can feel like a demanding job at times, but few matters in life can feel as pressing or rewarding. While helping your child maintain a healthy smile is just part of the care you need to provide, it can be an important part of maintaining their overall well-being. Particularly when they are young, the right approach to preventive care can be important. Growing up cavity-free can lower their risks for oral health complications, and it can eliminate the need for restorative dental work while they are still at an early and impressionable age. Our Tucson, AZ dentist’s office can help you support them by providing pediatric dental care in a friendly, welcoming environment. We can also use appointments as opportunities to help them gain an understanding of how they should go about caring for their teeth between visits! (more…)

What Will It Take To Fully Restore A Chipped Tooth?

How concerned should you really be if your tooth is chipped? It may look like a relatively minor problem at first, but that initial impression may be misleading. A small amount of damage can lead to more trauma in time, and it may put you at a higher risk for infection. You also have to worry about the impact that a “slight” chip might have on your appearance. At our Tucson, AZ dentist’s office, we are prepared to help patients deal with dental injuries of varying severity. Upon evaluation, we can determine if a chip really is just a superficial problem, or if it might require restorative dental work. (more…)

What To Do In A Dental Emergency

dental emergency treatment

At the moment, our office is currently closed to general, preventive, and elective procedures, such as cosmetic dentistry. However, your Tucson, AZ, dentist can still address dental emergencies as they arise, protecting your smile from worsening discomfort and complications. In today’s blog, we’re looking at common situations that call for treatment, and what your initial response should be.
