How Do You Care For Your Smile From Home?

We’ve recently covered the importance of a checkup and cleaning, which is crucial for protecting smiles from tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health concerns. However, even if you take time to see your Tucson, AZ, dentist every six months, you still need to care for your smile from home. How do we care for our smiles and maintain optimal oral hygiene from the comfort of our home?


When Is Extracting a Tooth Better than Restoring It?

In most cases, restoring and preserving a healthy, natural tooth is better than losing it. However, if a tooth is beyond saving, or you’ve had it restored before and it has once again become compromised, then extracting it may be the best option for your smile. At our Tucson, AZ, dental office, we may suggest tooth extraction for a number of different reasons. However, we’ll only recommend it when it’s absolutely necessary for the good of your oral health, and in many cases, we’ll suggest replacing the tooth as soon as possible afterward. (more…)

The 3 Biggest Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings

The thing about cavities is that nearly anyone can develop one at any point in their lives, even when they’re usually strict about practicing good dental hygiene and visiting the dentist regularly. However, sticking to a good preventive dental care routine means that you’re less likely to develop one, or to need extensive treatment if you do. At our Tucson, AZ, dental office, we not only help you and your family prevent cavities, but also help restore your tooth in case one develops. In many cases, we can stop the cavity from progressing and restore your tooth’s health and integrity with a custom, tooth-colored filling. (more…)

Invisible Orthodontics With Invisalign®

Metal braces are far from invisible, which is why many teens and adults are hesitant to address their misalignment. We don’t want concerns about appearance to stand between our Tucson, AZ, patients and a healthier smile, so we offer an invisible option. Invisalign® corrects uneven smiles with a series of barely visible aligners, helping people obtain healthier and more beautiful smiles.
