Have you always had an interest in advertising, particularly those colorful and often amusing ads from days gone by? If so, you won’t want to miss the chance to learn more about history through the interesting vintage ads on display now, at the Tucson Desert Art Museum & Four Corners Gallery. This event is being called SNAP 2! Visualize History Through the Art of Vintage Ads! The display is a great opportunity to learn more about American history over the past fifty years, including regional exhibits about Tucson.
How to Enjoy This and Other Exhibits at the Tucson Museum
If you are excited to see this, or any of the other exhibits, you can visit the museum from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. The cost of admission is just $10 for general admission, $8 for senior adults, $6 for students, and $4 for children, those 14-years-old and younger. Admission is also free for members!
The Tucson Desert Art Museum & Four Corners Gallery is located at 7000 E. Tanque Verde Road, Suite 16, Tucson, Arizona 85715.
For more information visit tucsondart.org or call 520-202-3888.