Get What You Really Want with Porcelain Veneers

Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in Tucson, AZ

Christmas Wish List Porcelain VeneersIf all you really want for Christmas, this year, is a better-looking smile, then porcelain veneers could be the only item you need to add to your wish list. Veneers provide a way to correct a number of cosmetic concerns, quickly, giving patients the kind of confidence that comes only from having a truly brilliant smile. So, if you want to sparkle this holiday season and into the new year, stop waiting to see what Santa brings you, and call your cosmetic dentist instead.

What Makes Veneers Great?

Veneers are one of the most popular forms of cosmetic dentistry because of the variety of ways they can improve smiles, as well as their durability. In fact, few treatments are longer-lasting or stronger than veneers.

That’s because modern veneers are crafted from dental porcelain, the same kind used to create many restorative dental crowns. Porcelain is 90 percent as strong as your teeth’s natural enamel, and stain-resistant as well, making it an ideal material for both cosmetic, restorative and prosthetic purposes. With proper care many patients are able to enjoy the smile enhancing benefits of porcelain for more than ten years.

So What Can Veneers Do?

Veneers can be used to make smiles more proportional and symmetrical by correcting teeth that are disproportionally small, permanently stained or discolored, misshapen, jagged along the edges or otherwise flawed. They can even be used to hide minor gaps between the teeth, making them a much faster alternative to traditional orthodontic treatment, if the alignment issues are purely cosmetic.

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