Could a Dental Crown Correct Your Smile?

Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in Tucson, AZ

Do You Need a Dental Crown?Are you suffering from a dental problem, such as an untreated cavity, a painful infection, a chip, crack, or even a failing prosthetic? You may not know you have a dental problem developing, but you could have noticed symptoms like sensitivity or grey lines. Or perhaps you suffered an injury to your mouth. If so, you probably know that it is time to see the restorative dentist. But did you know that the answer could be the same, a dental crown? Dental crowns are incredibly versatile, as forms of restorative treatment. Plus, they can be both beautiful and long lasting. So if you know you need dental help, it is time to find out if a crown could be the ideal solution for you.

Do You Require Restorative Treatment?

Many people don’t realize that teeth cannot repair themselves the way some parts of the body can. That is why restorative treatment is necessary, to help repair the damage done by dental decay and other issues.

Fortunately many restorative treatments are minimally invasive, and effective at restoring a patient’s comfort as well as the esthetics of the smile.

Why a Crown Could Be the Ideal Option

Dental crowns, in particular, provide a way to seal a damaged tooth from further wear or infection. Crowns are made to withstand the pressure caused by chewing, often allowing patients to eat more comfortably than they were, prior to treatment.

Porcelain crowns also offer the benefit of being practically seamless, since the material can be made to very closely match a patient’s natural teeth. Plus, dental porcelain is natural stain resistant, allowing the results to be enjoyed for many years.

Those are some of the reasons many patients turn to porcelain crowns as part a form of prosthetic, as well. They can make long-lasting and natural-looking ways to complete a smile after tooth loss, especially when used as part of a dental bridge or dental implant.

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